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The Yahrtzeit of Rochel Imeinu

The gravesite of Mama Rochel has always been the place to effect the greatest miracles in times of trouble in every aspect. The Rabbis of Mosdos Rachel Imeinu have seen literally thousands (!) of yeshuos and salvations that are literally too incredible to be believed — but they are true.

And no day is more auspicious to getting your every wish granted than the yahrtzeit of Rochel Imeinu, when her holy neshamah shines in the Heavens and her merit before the Heavenly throne is multiplied.

On that day, Rochel Imeinu can effect favors for the people of Israel more than any other day of the year. That day is Tuesday, the 11th of the month of Cheshvan (November 4th) — the yahrtzeit of Rochel Imeinu, a"h. On this day, the saintly miracle worker and mekubal, Rabbi Yaakov Ades, shlita, the son of Rav Yehuda Ades, Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivah Porat Yosef and grandson of Harav Avaraham Chaim Ades, the Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivat Hamekubalim, will hold a special tikkun שע"ה for people who need miracles and yeshuos in these three areas ONLY.

The saintly Rav Ades has revealed that, according to kabbalah, praying for a specific salvation at the gravesite of Mama Rochel for one year plus ten days (375 days, numerically spelling the Hebrew word שע"ה, from the verseשעה ברחמים וברצון אל תפילותינו — heed with mercy and favor our prayers) is the complete tikkun for people who are needy in those three areas. This tikkun, when performed in accordance with the divinations and contemplations prescribed by the holy Arizal and the Rashash, is the total rectification that is enough to wipe away harsh verdicts, even from people who could not be helped by anything else!

"I believe without a shadow of a doubt that all those who are fortunate to participate in this tikkun will be helped, im yirtzeh Hashem, this year," Rav Ades said.

Rav Ades, called the "Wondrous Rabbi" by his many admirers, will initiate the tikkun prayer at the gravesite of Rochel Imeinu on her yahrtzeit (yearly, at her day of passing) along with thousands of Jews from all over the world. The holy Rav Ades will bring with him a list of the people registered to participate in the tikkun — and he will pray for them all.

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